Disclaimer: I work in Google's Policy Team, developing multistakeholder cooperations for internet governance & policy themes, hence I want to point out that all the opinions and ruminations on this blog are mine, not Google's.

Sunday, June 10, 2007

They have done it again

google just doesn't stop. Every couple of months they come up with a new service that simply expands the opportunities of what can be done online. In this case i am a bit slow to find out Google Street View has already been launched in May, but that doesn't make it less impresive when you use it for the first time.

In short, they have taken fish-eye video footage of a couple of US cities and you can now switch beterrn satelite picture, normal streetmap view and a video-based virtual walk in the streets.

Check out this video explaining what is happening and then try yourself

PS: I actually learned about street view reading about a weird cyber-subculture of people who find 'funny' details that were recorded when google took the footage like "a guy taking a pee" or "sunbathing girls in park"(www.streetviewfun.com)

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