Disclaimer: I work in Google's Policy Team, developing multistakeholder cooperations for internet governance & policy themes, hence I want to point out that all the opinions and ruminations on this blog are mine, not Google's.

Saturday, March 29, 2008

My web-tv channel & our video community?

some weeks ago i posted a request for recommendations for a web-tv player where one can have a list of videos recommended by my friends.

Miro seems to be the tool. I have played around with it in the last weeks and i like it.

Hence i started my video channel at video bomb which allows for direct integration into miro.

Check out and subscribe to my recommended videos feed - AND tell me about your channel so i can subscribe!

Monday, March 17, 2008

WANTED: A confederated peer online-tv

I dont have a TV for many years, and I have to say that online video has been more than a sufficient substitute for news and the occational dose of special interest videos and "funny stuff". However what i don't like is that there is no "online tv-player" (the software equivalent of that traditional single-purpose technology called TV) where i can watch all the streaming formats or at least where i can share and receive recommendations for videos in all formats. It is annoying to have a youtube favourits, some real media streams that i like, joost chanels, etc, etc.

Is there a application or site that allows me to network with my folks exclusively on video recommendations so when i sit down for a meal (which is when i get my daily dose of news and video) i can switch on my online-tv and see what you folks have been recommending?

Saturday, March 15, 2008

More than One - I am the two sides of my brain

This video starts of as a "normal" presentation of a neurologist but transforms into a furiously inspiring spiritual happening.... left-right, left-right, left-

Monday, March 10, 2008

Knowledge Entrepreneurship as Mindset for Leaders in Education

I will hold a talk at Stanford's School of Education this Wednesday. Here are the slides (which are a variation of my phd defense presentation):

Monday, March 03, 2008

Wikipedia Game

(english below)

Eine praktische idee(1) fuer ein intelligentes (famielen)internet-lern-spiel:

jeder spieler sitzt an einem computer mit internet

ein "schiedsrichter" waehlt zwei worte z.b. erdnussbutter und alexander der grosse

das erste wort wird in wikipedia nachgeschlagen (http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Erdnussbutter)

ziel des spieles ist es von erdnussbutter zu alexander der grosse (http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alexander_der_Grosse) zu kommen ohne die tastatur zu benutzen

man kann drei varianten spielen: a)wer als erster fertig ist (denke hier haben kids einen vorteil, da sie schneller klicken/sich besser zurechtfinden) oder b) wer mit weniger klicks hinkommt (ich erwarte die erwachsenen gewinnen da ein weiteres wissen bessere links ermoeglicht). Die dritte variante is nich ganz so funkey: wer schneller von der homepage zu einem wort findet.

logischerweise is die alfabetische listen verboten

als benchmark ich war beim 5ten klick und nach 4 min. beim alexander

Im englischen teil is noch ne variante

(1) ich hab mir das game nich ausgedacht sondern es von jemandem erzaehlt bekommen, weiss aber leider nich mehr von wem - naja jetzt hab ich kurz gegooglet und verschiedene englische sources gefunden


a first version (what i described in german above)
"Shaggy Hair was working on his chemistry homework and so [the wikipedia article on] "Chemical Sources" is traditionally the place where they begin. Then someone calls out a word or term or person, like "Bob Dylan," and they race to see who can get there first. The rule is you can't type anything; you can only click on links. And you can't go backwards." (blog link)

a second version:
"We invented a game where you try to find a certain item (for example, pancakes) the fastest, measured in either time or clicks. Here are the rules:
  • You cannot edit any pages
  • You must start from the home page (http://wikipedia.org/)
  • You cannot type anything. Everything must be done via mouse clicks.
  • You cannot use the categories, A-Z listings, etc
Here's a sample game, searching for "witchcraft."

Wikipedia > English Wikipedia > United States > Massachusetts > Salem > Salem Witch Trials > Witchcraft" (forum link)