Disclaimer: I work in Google's Policy Team, developing multistakeholder cooperations for internet governance & policy themes, hence I want to point out that all the opinions and ruminations on this blog are mine, not Google's.

Saturday, September 17, 2005

Hacking the web when it comes down to your desktop

[Wired 13.9]

Greasemonkey is an extension for the Firefox browser that lets Java­Script- alter a Web page as it's downloaded. The site serves the same old data, but you get to decide what Firefox displays. Greasemonkey junkies have posted more than 600 downloadable site mods, or user scripts, at www.greasemonkeyed.com.

Read the whole articel

Something for the way - MP3's

As i love to listen to stories or lectures when i am engaging in an activity like driving, cleaning, strolling through a city, etc.. I have search and collected and heard a number of mp3's and I would like to recommend a good one:

In general, the Internet Archive is a source for mp3's and movies .There they have a section on buddhism of which i really liked some lectures e.g. Tse Chen Ling Buddhist Lectures

I would appreciate if you could post recommendations you have as comment.

There is quite a number of really weird Kafka readings on

Nachdem ich realisiert habe, dass ab diesem Punkt nur des Deutschen maechtige Besucher weiterlesen...

Der Deutschland Funk bietet sein gesamtes programm als mp3 (auch zum download) an. Was ich gemacht hab is nach interessanten und sinnvollerweise moeglichst langen beitraegen zu suchen. Ich hab da ne sammlung, die ich gerne weitergebe.

Sustainability is actually something really cool & desirable

or such is the conclusion of the paper I wrote when I attended a course on Ecology at the United Nations University in Japan.

In the first part the paper basically seeks to develop how the sustainability paradigm is related to and actually is a logical follow-up of the "mature" use of "free will" as put forward by philosophers of the Enlightenment.

In the second part I look into why sustainability has such a moralising and "do i really have to do this" connotation, and I try to bring forward some ideas how to make it more attractive to be/live sustainable.

It was a very enlightening and satisfying work and I am looking forward to re-engage in this area.

You can dowload the paper under www.un-collaboratory.net/Files/Final_UNUIC_Paper_10.doc

As always I am interested in your feedback and ready to discuss.

A little shy but persistent

believe it or not, writing in a blog is not easy for me. But i have all the best intentions to really get this started now!